

[sws_title title=”How to use the modules”] [/sws_title]Here the module to create front page layout.

How to access and insert the module? Click Shortcode button on post/page editor, Choose module category and click insert.

Here the list of the module.



[module1 title=”module 1: Vertical post thumbnail small” category=”food” showpost=”2″] [/module1]
[module2 title=”module 2: Vertical post thumbnail big” category=”food” showpost=”2″] [/module2]
[sws_module_4 category=”food” showpos=”5″ title=”Module 4″] [/sws_module_4]
[module5_list title=”module 5: simple news list” category=”general” showpost=”3″] [/module5_list]
[module5_shortnews title=”module 6: news title” category=”general” showpost=”5″] [/module5_shortnews]


[module_7 title=”Module 7″ category=”food” showpos=”5″] [/module_7]
[module8_highlight title=”module 8: highlight news” category=”general” showpos=”6″] [/module8_highlight]
[module_9_author title=”Module 9: author” authorname=”admin” showpos=”5″] [/module_9_author]


[module10_newsimage title=”Module10: news in image” category=”general” showpost=”8″] [/module10_newsimage]
[module11 category=”food” showpost=”1″] [/module11]
[module12 title=”Module 12: Vertical post no thumbnail” category=”general” showpost=”5″] [/module12]


[module13: post by author title=”Module 13: post by author” authorname=”admin” showpos=”12″] [/module13: post by author]
[module_14 title=”Module 14″ category=”general” showpos=”6″] [/module_14]
[module15 title=”module15: Vertical box with thumbnail” category=”general” showpost=”1″] [/module15]
[module_17 title=”Module 17″ category=”food” showpos=”3″] [/module_17]


[module18_carousel3 title=”Module 18: Carousel 3 items” category=”nature” showpost=”5″] [/module18_carousel3]
[sws_carousel category=”” showpost=”3″ bgcolor=”1397d7″] [/sws_carousel]
[module20_carousel_headline title=”Module 20: Carousel headline news” category=”” showpost=”5″ bgcolor=”359bed” fontcolor=”ffffff”] [/module20_carousel_headline]