Dechard (born 21 July 1989), is a producer, dj and sound designer, born and raised in Italy with Belgian origins. He usually works on modular sounds and his vibe is vintage yet also modern. He always manages to keep his tracks unique in detail, supporting the arrangement over a stomping groove, which results chic at the same time, dreamy chords, warm atmospheres and collaborations with artists who offer different styles.
Dechard began his experience in the music world at the age of 16, performing in a club in his hometown and has since evolved his performance on many levels, deejaying around his country.
He built his own studio and after years of studying sound engineering at Essex University and working on different projects, he landed a great deal and released an official remix for the singer and musician Alex Vargas, rearranging the single “Lie” (2012) with Jeroosalem.
He also released his first EP in 2013 called “Amazing”. After experiencing the European scene, Dechard wanted to take his art a step further and moved to Los Angeles. A few months after his move he created a soundtrack for a TV series, broadcast on Fox TV.
Currently Dechard is producing/recording his second musical project called Quixotic and working on remixes for artists and bands such as Kinqueen, Edx, Bob Sinclar, Alex Vargas and Phaze Project.
Fb: www.facebookcom/DechardOfficial
Sc: www.soundcloud.com/dechard
Tw: www.twitter.com/dechardmusic
Ig: www.instagram.com/rickydechard