p style=”text-align: justify;”>Esha has grown up around music from a very young age. Her mother and father are both talented musicians and she has inherited those skills herself. Having a keen ear for music detail Esha is a multi-instrumentalist with crispy clean vocals, making her a great addition to the Dough Related Productions line up.

Esha has just dropped her latest single, entitled “Choppa”, featuring B-Nasty. She has presented us with a wonderful example of her artistry on this release. In addition to her vocal gifts, the song showcases her exceptional lyrical phrasing, stylistic uniqueness and a truly catchy melody and rhythmic undertones. No matter how good she is today, she will only get better with time.
This track does everything it should; the brooding energy it provides is obvious. It rises and falls to give you a chance to rest, but still seems to always be on an upward swing. The rising bass adds so much wonderful excitement and when the crescendo finally bursts, the song keeps flowing.
Esha’s voice belts out the melody but is simultaneously airy. The synth-driven back beat is quite punchy, beating out an arpeggiated melody and supporting the vocal chants. Something about this track just makes it so repeatable and pushes you to turn it up louder!
In a smoky haze of desperation B-Nasty steps into the track and captures the essence of the song – high strung, quick rhymes cutting on the dime tear up the rap verses. The melody and mid-tempo rhythm are criminally catchy, and you’ll love the way Esha sings the pre-chorus and chorus.

Moreover, if you think that her musical style is eclectic, consider that she is a blend of Russian and Persian extraction; which just adds more flame to her fire.
Her lyrics are straight to the point and direct but she’s not hitting you over the head with it. You don’t have to read between the lines on most of them, and if you’ve been in Esha’s situation, you can understand what she’s saying. If you haven’t then it’ll just go right over your head, but in the meantime you can connect to the music and the groove until you work out that she’s a motherf*cking Choppa!
“Choppa” featuring B-Nasty, is Esha amped up a couple notches with an attitude that flows through the song. The track is very candid and sincere; she hides nothing from her audience. It’s slow, dark, edgy, and sexy…and just another solid step forward in her career!