Execution 22 is a hard rock band from Minneapolis Minnesota. “We have no names… we have no faces”, is a motto you’ll see on their website, meaning we won’t really know who they are or what they look like, so let’s jump straight into the music! Execution 22 has an album for free download on Google play titled, “In Your System” and have just released their new single called “AngeS SinG”.

I have always been into the more unconventional bands, like Tool, A Perfect Circle, 30 Seconds to Mars, etc. So, when I heard the song “AngeS SinG”, I was immediately sucked in. I went over to Google Play the next day and listened to their album, “In Your System” from beginning to end. These guys are talented. The album starts off with a bang and doesn’t let up. Every song has meaning and fits perfectly into the scheme of the album as a whole. If you enjoy heavy raw guitar riffs and melodic interludes, this is a record for you. “AngelS SinG” is a little less heavy in its build-up but the addictive grungy effect is unquestionable.
The outstanding musicianship of Execution 22 is especially evident in the crafting of their songs. You’ll find yourself waiting for a guitar breakdown or a quiet moment that helps convey emotion. The vocals are powerful and versatile as it goes from sweet and melodic to growling with the best of them and the band is tight with each musician knowing how to play their weapon of choice. Their songs are all effectively structured and the lyrics are well-written rock tunes that deliver what we expect from this type of music without trying too hard or overdoing it.

The band’s music is definitely something someone would want to rock out too but it also has its softer side, as well, which can be discovered on tracks like “WelcomE tO”. Mostly though, Execution 22’s music is a riff and groove-laden, in-your-face assault on all of your senses. And it’s what works best for them.
Good rock bands are a rare breed nowadays. With shallow pop and rap music flooding popular culture, being a big rock fan is soul crushing to purists. Well this new music from Execution 22 flat out rocks your ass off, and there is enough variety and texture that it keeps you coming back for more. Modern, heavy, loud, intense and fresh, they deal out face-melting power, but know how to integrate melody and keep their songs catchy too.
“AngeS SinG” is just another installment of the perfection and power this band puts together.