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We live in a society where lifelong, monogamous commitments are widely promulgated as the desired ends of romantic life. For those who buy into this norm, the downside is that in the best-case scenario, every single relationship we ever have, except maybe for one, will end and more often than not, end badly. No matter how simple it appears from the outside, relationships have complex and complicated mechanics driving its underbelly. When we love, err and lose, we are likely never able to get a second chance to repair the damage and make up. This last element is the theme singer-songwriter, Doug Cash, CEO / Owner of Pryor 2 What? Records and Music Publishing, explores in the song, “Stuck in a Lighthouse”.

Few artists have explored the subject of inter-personal relationships more carefully and completely than Doug Cash. His songs are richly and sometimes painstakingly detailed. But the wonder of Doug’s writing is its seamless blend of personal and universal, the singular experience converted to the global conscience. And in its most important sense, regardless of the genre tags you could attach to his music, his is intrinsically soul music at its core: its honesty, its simplicity, the meaning of expression wrung from every word.

Armed with those aforementioned elements, Doug Cash executes “Stuck in a Lighthouse”. “I was there, but not for you. I came close, but not to you. I am so shallow, hollow and blue. Stuck in a lighthouse over you,” sings Doug, as he opens the narrative and starts unfolding its plot.

There’s something egocentric and a little tragic to this story, as Doug admits: “She asked for the truth, I smiled and lied”. These lines are emblematic of the wounded, acutely confessional singer-songwriter template. And few can do it better than Doug Cash.

There’s hardly a dishonest note in Doug vocals, as he draws the song towards its conclusion. “She has left, I lost, you lose. What to do,” he affirms. Listening to “Stuck in a Lighthouse”, is to hear not just the majesty of Doug’s voice, or the organic sound of his cherished acoustic guitar, but the sound of an artist grown completing unflinching in his songwriting. Moreover, that realness lays not only in the frankness of Doug Cash’s subject matter, but also in the reaches of his voice.


By staff

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