We sat down with D Mills to talk about his new album “Prism” and get to know more about him as an artist. His album will be released July 1st of 2021! Don’t forget to check out his links at the bottom to be able to listen to his brand new release and stay updated on his social media!
Your new album has a very alternative RNB feel with influences from Hiphop, and other unique elements. What are some other artists that inspired you for this album?
Usually, I’m inspired from artist from the past like Stevie wonder, Marvin Gaye, Hall and Oates, Doobie Brothers, Steely Dan. I love the color and creativity in old records like those artists made.

You took it on yourself to write, produce, perform mix, and master every single track on this album. What inspired you to want to learn each of these skills instead of taking the easier route of getting others to do some of the heavy lifting?
It came from not wanting to wait on others. It’s the reason I learned all the instruments I play. Before I knew how to play or mix, I always knew exactly how I wanted things to sound. Once I learned the technical side of those skills, I felt like I could do anything.
Where did you record your album?
Recorded, mixed, and mastered the album all in my rooms. Because of covid a couple of the vocals and instruments were tracked remote. I’d say 98% of this record was all done in my home studio.
Who are some of the notable collaborations you made with other artists on this album?
I had the privilege of working a lot of artists I’ve been fans of like Amber Navran from Moon Child and Chantae Cann. I’ve produced songs for them in the past so it was nice of them to want to contribute to my project. I also got to work with a lot of up in coming artist that are going to be huge artist in their own right.
Where can people buy your album?
My album can be found anywhere you listen to music online including. Spotify, apple music, amazon, you name it!

Pre-Save the album on Spotify! https://t.co/xfr0z8kReh?amp=1
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dmillsmusic/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/dannymillsmusic
Spotify Profile https://open.spotify.com/artist/4j15TlEXsoU1f2RHaejASa?si=foGpsol_StGcBH2BgPugwQ&dl_branch=1
Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@dmillsmusic
Website www.dmillsmusic.com
Apple Music https://music.apple.com/by/artist/d-mills/1433969532
Online Store link https://www.dmillsmusic.com/music