It seems to me like most bands either try to change too much with their second release, and in the process lose their sound, or they just rehash the first release and reveal themselves as one-trick ponies. Lennard Park does neither of these things. Their latest single “When You Make Love” is different, but not too different. Lyrically, the focus has not changed from interpersonal relationships and introspection…so they’re moving inward and outward at the same time.
Gary Lennard and Ashli Park are all improving as musicians. The singing and drums are especially tight here. Overall, it’s what you’d expect if you’ve heard these guys before, and if you’ve enjoyed “The Promise” then you will probably love this, as Lennard Park continues to explore the sounds of spacious folk-rock, with clear influences from the past.
After hearing their previous single, I instantly fell in love with it as I felt that it represented things that I hadn’t heard in music in a while. It had a very organic natural feel to it, and sounded more like folk-based music that would have been released 40 years ago. So when I picked up this latest track, my expectations were huge, I mean huge. Well, there are hardly the words to describe how utterly, sometimes painfully, beautiful “When You Make Love” is.
I feel that after you hear the whole song from front to back you will be able to understand what Lennard Park do, what they say, why and how they function, like they are part of a precious puzzle that represents a musical legacy. Once the puzzle is complete you can see how the parts fit together, and exactly where Lennard Park comes into the picture.
On this new track, Lennard Park continue the harmonic and hypnotic serenade I’ve come to expect and hope, and as the song title suggests, they sing in the most reflective tones about the pains of seeing an ex-companion out and about. The song is measured and patient as it tells its story. The buzz of the instruments against the steadiness of the lyrics blurs your periphery and tightens your focus. Nothing Lennard Park do is superfluous, all the sounds are purposely in place, and it feels so natural and flowing.
In general, it’s extremely difficult not to succumb to a feeling of unbridled euphoria when listening to the Manchester-based duo of Gary Lennard and Ashli Park; they possess a sound which is at once hypnotic, intoxicating and liberating and “When You Make Love” perfectly encapsulates these qualities.